Leadership Lessons from the “The Passion Paradox” by Scott Magness and Brad Stulberg
In full disclosure, I started book #2 “The Passion Paradox” last fall. I paused on the book as my work-life balance was leaning more heavily to the work side and thought it best to pick it back up when I could devote more energy to reading.
There is something about drinking a hot cup of coffee or tea, curling up with a blanket and sitting in a little nook of my house with a good book that is hard to replicate. It creates a great sense of calm for me and it was something I was looking forward to as I started 2020.
I chose “The Passion Paradox” as my second book for 2020 because I throughly enjoy the content that both Scott Magness and Brad Stulberg put out into the universe. They are both extremely motivational with a practical balance with great lessons that can be applied to any professional or personal endeavor. I knew this book would have some great leadership lessons that would inspire me and continue my growth.
Lesson #1: Our time, energy and attention are all finite. Make sure that your decisions and goals line up to your personal and professional passion. Invest your time and energy where it matters most!
Lesson #2: Self-awareness is an important skill in achieving your professional goals. The more self-aware you are the better equipped you are to lead other people, adjust focus to achieve your goals and grow as an individual.
Lesson #3: Success comes from owning your story when passion is lost or shifts to something else. The stories that we craft and narrative that we tell ourselves can drive us to greatness or take us off course. We decide our path.
This book was a great reminder that passion can lead to great professional success with a healthy dose of self-awareness, reflection and action.
Cheers to 2020 and Book #3!